marketing . branding . disrupting


We Are Creative, Talented, Responsive and Reliable My App Solutions has a team of talented and dedicated developers and designers. Our Project Director is extremely hands-on and provides prompt and unbiased feedback on any questions our clients may raise. Our team works hand-in-hand with him and our Chief Technology Officer to develop and deliver only the most well-crafted apps. We pride ourselves on delivering with integrity, honesty and commitment. Do check out our Customer Testimonials to see what our clients say about us.


Most app developers are just developers. Give them a project specification and they will build it. But talk to them about engagement and marketing and chances are a very superficial conversation will ensue. For My App Solutions, we believe that it is extremely important to build an app by first understanding who you are building the app for, why they are using your app, and how you would give them what they are looking for within your app. We think about how users would use your app and suggest ways to engage, reward and retain them. Finally, we will advise you on ways to pull potential users to your app and grow your user base organically.

We Design and Develop Mobile Games

Very few mobile app development companies develop games as a service. The reason they don’t? They can’t. Game development is a very different beast from normal app development and most companies just don’t come equipped with the talents to take on such projects.In fact, we have worked with a few app developers who outsourced their game development projects to us! We can’t tell you who they are, but what we can tell you is that their poor clients ended up paying a lot more just for the middleman service. Games that we have worked on consistently got featured and also hit the top positions of the app store categories they were featured in.

We Give Back

We believe in giving back to society, either by going on charity missions or conducting career / creativity talks in schools, orphanages to inspire the young. So take comfort in knowing that some of the money you spend with us are deployed to good use.

We Love Startups

We love startups and we love helping entrepreneurs build their dream apps. For this reason, we have designed the innovative My App Solutions Proto Program to help them launch their million dollar app idea. My App Solutions is one of the few app developer in India to launch such an initiative.